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One More Chance

March 31st, 2015 will forever be a day I will hold close to my heart. Because three years ago I could have so easily walked away from everything and honestly, I really wanted to. But God. He had different plans for my story. In His grace, He whispered,  “Just one more chance. Just give Me one more chance . That is all you have to give me.” That is what He whispered as I walked into Church again; in complete desperation and partly just to prove once and for all that God was distant and that it didn't matter what church I went to, I would never feel welcome or at home. But I walked in with the smallest sliver of hope, that maybe, just maybe God is who I heard He was. Maybe He could heal my hurt and my brokenness, and fill this terribly empty void in my soul. One thing led to another and after a failed attempt to plead my way out of not going, there I stood on the curb of the church parking lot about to walk into my first student ministry event at a new church. My mom ha...

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